see, this is what happens when you have a life; you've no time to blog.
and when you don't have a life? nothing to blog about!
a quick summary of life at present:
college: two thumbs up
finding out i get a mid-term-break: two thumbs up
forgetting to water my plants and nearly killing my basil : one thumb down
the darkness: three thumbs up
a hundred shots of beer in heavy metal dress for alex's birthday: index finger and little finger of both hands up.
and i didn't even get a mention on the radio.
but nevermind that. i've got bigger things on my mind now... going back to college!
yes, i know it's a bit sudden. and it's not that i've been keeping things from you, i only just found out about the course myself this morning when i got the prospectus in the post.
and when i rang them up to see if i'd missed the application deadline, they explained that the course starts tomorrow, but there were two places left, so did i want to come in for an interview this afternoon?
which i did. and am now enrolled in a masters diploma in multimedia authoring and e-business at senior college dun laoghaire!
woohoo. i'm a student again.
[link]so it looks like i won't be needed on the radio after all - the item was resized and now they'll just be mentioning the site and maybe reading out an entry.
i'm about 98% relief and 2% disappointment.
the relief is higher coz i'm nurturing a stinker of a cold and wasn't sure if i'd manage to make it through five minutes without sniffling or coughing. i can now stop ingesting an unhealthy amount of lemsips and sucumb wholeheartedly to the virus.
altough, the funny thing is, now that i know i wont have to be on the radio, i've suddenly started feeling much better! maybe it was all just psychosomatic!!
[link]has anyone looked in my guestbook lately?
if you have, you will have spotted the note from someone from radio 1 expressing an interest in talking to me about blogs!
now why is it that the thought of going on radio fills me with total dread? ick ick ick. i have absolutely no desire to do it. which, given my current position as struggling freelance webdesigner is probably the wrong attitude. but like i said before, i'm just not cut out for this whole self-promoting thing. i really need a sales and marketing department to do it all for me.
i wonder if they'd be willing to work in a personal and professional capacity:
"hello, yes? you want to talk to me about my personal webpage?[link]well, i'll just put you through to my marketing department, they can answer any questions you have."
we've been doing a lot of juggling in the apartment.
each of us can juggle with three balls [i learned during some exams - maybe my leaving cert. it was a nice break from studying] so the obvious next step is four balls. which is a fair bit trickier.
so mostly we're just juggling with three balls.
aonghus is trying some new three ball technique, something about juggling 'over' instead of 'under'. i'm not sure of the technical terms. when practicing, he gets totally into it and puts on the funniest juggle-concentration face. though he tried his best not to look too peculiar when i started pointing the camera in his direction. repeatedly.
when i was out on our patio-balcony watering the plants on monday, i noticed that the fennel was suffering slightly from a small greenfly attack, so i sprayed it with a bit of soapy water which knocked most of the beggars off.
but i have since entirely lost faith in the soapy water solution, coz when i had a look out at the fennel yesterday, two days after the spraying, it was totally infested:
and today for your viewing pleasure, a rather unflattering triptych of cd, partially sleep deprived partially hungover outside our friends' cottage in letterfrack, co. galway taken sunday afternoon by aonghus.
he scolds himself for not taking good photos, but as you can tell, it's the subject that's at fault. look at all the lovely scenery behind. the twelve pins or something, i believe.